Wear these colors in your dating profile photos

Let’s face it, online dating is a bit of a jungle. There are so many potential partners out there, and the competition is fierce. So, how do you make sure you stand out from the crowd? With killer online dating profile photos, that’s how.

Research shows that people make judgments about others based on their profile photos within milliseconds of seeing them. That’s why it’s crucial to choose an outfit that makes you look your best and attracts the right kind of attention.

Here’s a little secret: when it comes to online dating profile photos, men should stick to “male neutral” colors. These include navy, olive green, white, black, and gray. These colors are considered neutral because they’re not flashy or flamboyant. Instead, they give off a sense of authority, stability, adventure, and sophistication.

For example, navy is a dark color that makes you stand out from the background and gives off a sense of authority and stability. Olive green, on the other hand, has a more earthy, natural feel to it. This can be very attractive to women and gives off a sense of groundedness and calm masculinity.

Online dating photoshoot client showing how male neutral colors help him get matches
Here's one of my online dating profile photoshoot clients showing how grey and black make him give off a chill, masculine vibe

White, black, and gray are also great choices for profile photos. They look good with any skin tone and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Wearing white can give you a clean and fresh look, while wearing black can give you a mysterious and alluring look.

In conclusion, if you want to attract the ladies with your online dating profile photos, stick to “male neutral” colors. These colors are versatile, neutral, and can give off a sense of authority, stability, adventure, and sophistication. Plus, they’ll make you stand out from the background and give off a sense of groundedness.

Want to take your online dating profile to the next level? Check out my dating profile photoshoot packages. With each package, I include my Easy Peasy Wardrobe Checklist, which shares exactly which shirts to get and where to get them. Head over to https://www.datingunchained.com to find out more.

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